Our menu for April is ready for you now...
Book griddleproject@gmail.com
5th, 12th and 26th April
The Griddle
April 2014
To welcome you
Rhubarb Fizz
Goats Cheese & Wild Garlic Pasties
To start you off
Feast of: Seared Rump Skirt & Slow Roast Onion Salad, Bath Pig Salami Bon
Bon, Slow Cooked Cauliflower with Yoghurt
Another teaser
Duck Egg and Soldiers
The main event
Lamb Baked in Hay, Sautéed Potatoes, Watercress and
Grilled Spring Onion Salad
If you want more
Rum Baba, Poached Rhubarb & Ginger Ice Cream
If you still want more
Ground Coffee, Assam Tea, Dark Chocolate Biscuits
donation £25